Go to school, get good grades, go to college, then get a job and live the American Dream! We were all told this lie growing up by our society, culture, and institutions. It’s not the American Dream it’s a recipe to live a life as a slave to the system and constantly trade your time for money. It is the ULTIMATE PYRAMID SCHEME! I had a “good life” and my basic needs were met but as I got closer to 40 I stated to ask myself if this was it? Am I just going to work another 20 years to retire so I can drink coffee and watch the news all day long? As I explored ways to make residual income I learned about network marketing or affiliate marketing. Many have been trained to avoid owning your own business or making residual income because it’s a scam or pyramid scheme! 😂😂😂 Sadly these people become a prisoner in their own mind by believing they must work for someone else.

Rather than rely on various social media platforms I have housed all of my information, education, and business ideas in my own app. I have mindset training, asset collection, and crypto/blockchain education all in one location.

Download my FREE APP to get started on your journey to financial freedom!